Friday 11 March 2016

Call of duty video games story

From the 1st Call of duty until the whatever call of duty, i will list all the games from the first one until the latest one.

Call of duty
Call of duty:United Offensive
Call of duty:Finest hour
Call of duty 2
Call of duty 2: Big Red One
Call of duty 3
Call of duty:Roads to victory
Call of duty 4:Modern warfare
Call of duty:World of War
Call of duty:World of War-Final Fronts
Call of duty:Modern warfare 2
Call of duty:Modern warfare 2:Mobilized
Call of duty:Zombies
Call of duty:Black ops
Call of duty:Modern warfare 3
Call of duty:Black ops-Zombies
Call of duty:Black ops 2
Call of duty:Ghosts
Call of duty:Advanced warfare
And the latest one yet.......dadadadadadaddadada
Call of duty:Black ops 3

If another game comes i will keep updating.
If u wanna ask some question like which game, i will sure tell u guys about it.
I hope u guys enjoy my blog. If u do please follow me on google+. Good bye guys!

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